Wednesday, May 25, 2011

WED 5/25

The pictures from the previous post show a more detailed outline of the content we will include on the 3 pages of our project poster. We started an Indesign file to model the poster. In addition to refining the poster design, we have decided to make a model of the magnetic board that we will include in our exhibit. The map below shows the geothermal locations in the area that will be marked with metal from behind the board. A magnet will allow users to located the spots on the map. Information will be presented next to the map to inform users about the local geothermal potential.

Our physical model is being made, and our previous sketches presented earlier in the quarter will be modified to include our most recent additions. We have decided to include solar panels on
top of our model that will power the lights in the exhibit's interior. Also, we want to include a seismograph that will map the current temperature above and below the ground for the current week at our exhibit (example below) so that the user can compare and see the potential energy available under the ground. We initially wanted to give the users the option to map the current temperature, however due to vandalism concerns we have decided to not make this portion of the exhibit interactive. It will be moving, so we believe that it will attract people as is, and they will be able to see and interact with the other parts of the exhibit.

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