Friday, May 6, 2011

Redefine the Design

On Wednesday and then today (Friday), we have discussed and refined our initial bus stop exhibit design. Although our survey feedback indicated that it could be a good idea, some practical location and setting issues have encouraged us to expand our options. Instead of a bus stop, we have settled on a new site at the corner of Osos St. and Monterey St. (shown to the right). The two benches behind the clock are positioned by a low planter and the lawn, which we would like to use to simulate an "underground" exhibit. Our plan was to initially extend an enclosure, covered in grass, above the benches to simulate the extension of the lawn. Today, however, we decided to eliminate the benches altogether in an effort to provide more space for our exhibit that participators can easily view.
Underneath the overhang, we will place colored lights that will be powered by two cranks. The cranks will simulate day and night, representing the constant temperature of the earth and how it can help with the climate control of a home, regardless of the outside temperature. Information will also be provided on geothermal heat pumps and the possibilities homeowners have to install them. We will upload diagrams and/or sketches when we have them.

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