Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Continued Work...

On Monday, we went over to the Library to look at the "Look the Other Way" exhibit. We were able to interact with the exhibit and see what worked well and what did not. Beforehand, we read over the critiques of our design from the midterm review on Friday. From reading people's comments, we learned that we really need to focus on what actually goes on under the mound. It needs to be more interactive, and the concepts that we want people to learn need to be more clearly defined. We also need to think about the construction of the exhibit.

Today, the professors presented the deliverables for our final review. We basically have two more weeks to have a concrete idea for our exhibit and execute a three-panel poster presentation. We also plan on having a physical model. As we were trying to figure out how to fix the issues brought up by the critiques, we discussed about possibly talking about the other form of geothermal energy that taps into the deeper layers of the earth. Chad Worth also talked about mentioning the hot springs or the fish hatchery that uses geothermal technology. Right now, we feel like we have reached a standstill because we keep coming up with downsides to all of our ideas that make them impractical. On Friday, Chad is going to meet with us to help us focus our project and guide us onto a more practical path.

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