Monday, June 6, 2011

Hey guys, thanks for the awesomeness

David here, a little late as usual. It's been a great quarter and despite the homeless issue, I think we really came up with a great project. I was blessed with a great group, which made the whole experience awesome. Thank you for putting on this class, it was unlike any class I've taken and thus learned a lot of stuff I never knew about learning. The interdisciplinary nature of the course was also fun, Grace and I got to show the others what a true architecture all nighter is all about, finishing just in the nick of time.
 Thank you again everyone, it was an awesome class,
david swaim

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Final Thoughts

First of all, I want to say that this has been an amazing group to work with, and I could not have asked for a better group of people who meshed so well together. I believe that we produced a great final project, and it was because of the combination of our strengths.

I learned so much this quarter about many different topics relating to museum exhibit design. Discussing learning strands, concept mapping, and design graphics among many other topics helped me not only in this class but also for whatever I may do in the future. I really enjoyed the multi-disciplinary aspect of this class, because I know that I would have never been able to work with non-CAED majors otherwise. It was good to get other majors' perspectives on the same project.

I would like to thank Professors Arens, Chen, and Jipson for guiding us along the way. Your input on the practicality of the project and the overall design in general kept us in check and ultimately helped us transform our project into what it is now. Thank you for a great quarter.


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Friday-Final Design Day


Here's pictures from the showcase:
Our group is so gosh darn cute!

We had a pretty good attendance, dontcha think?

Fluid Flux had cool models as well

Ham'd looks like so much fun!

Alex you are a silly one

Welcome to our exhibit

Friday-Final Design Day

It's my final post! Boo hoo! First of all, all of the groups did an amazing and fantastic job. I love everyone's ideas! For the Blackboard assignment, I wish I could have chosen everyone's! Oh I forgot to mention the blog stuff on Bb. Oh well...

So where to begin on this. We got together Thursday night to finish everything. It was a long night, but I don't regret anything.
Here's some pictures:

Wednesday June 1

Woops, sorry we've been so busy getting ready for Friday I didn't post an update for Wednesday. So I'll post one about Wednesday and I guess everyone has to do one for Friday.

Well Wednesday, We have the cave part of the model finished and was brought into class. We've been pretty much been working on the model and poster. We got together that night to work on the model and the poster.

Wednesday night- put pieces together for the model and covered it so all we had left was to wait for the model to dry so we could put "grass" on it, paint it, and put the stuff on the inside. We also have been doing great work on the poster. It looks amazing so far, we just have to make sure we cover all required content and word everything perfectly. We weren't sure how scientific or technical we were supposed to be with our poster. So that's an issue for us.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Friday May 27th Update

Earlier this week, David set up the laser cut files for the ribs of the mound and Grace constructed the 2'x4' base. Alison and Paul worked on the text that would appear on both the poster and in the exhibit.

Today, we worked on finalizing the whole design of the exhibit as well as the poster layout. For our three panels, we are planning on having the first one be the money shot and an introduction of the importance of the exhibit (info from the survey conducted earlier in the quarter, purpose and goals, etc.). The second one will have site information and our general design concept. The third one will show the specifics and mechanics of the actual exhibit inside the mound.

We have distributed the work and will reconvene on Monday to tie up loose ends.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

WED 5/25

The pictures from the previous post show a more detailed outline of the content we will include on the 3 pages of our project poster. We started an Indesign file to model the poster. In addition to refining the poster design, we have decided to make a model of the magnetic board that we will include in our exhibit. The map below shows the geothermal locations in the area that will be marked with metal from behind the board. A magnet will allow users to located the spots on the map. Information will be presented next to the map to inform users about the local geothermal potential.

Our physical model is being made, and our previous sketches presented earlier in the quarter will be modified to include our most recent additions. We have decided to include solar panels on
top of our model that will power the lights in the exhibit's interior. Also, we want to include a seismograph that will map the current temperature above and below the ground for the current week at our exhibit (example below) so that the user can compare and see the potential energy available under the ground. We initially wanted to give the users the option to map the current temperature, however due to vandalism concerns we have decided to not make this portion of the exhibit interactive. It will be moving, so we believe that it will attract people as is, and they will be able to see and interact with the other parts of the exhibit.